About Us

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“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live”

— Jim Rohn

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A little more about us

Leeton Physiotherapy Centre aims to provide the community of Leeton and surrounding areas with high quality physiotherapy services. Our Physiotherapists are university trained health professionals that use an extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics to treat movement disorders including acute injury, pain, stiffness, weakness and decreased coordination.

Conditions treated include sports injuries, neck and back pain, work related injuries, fractures, dislocations, strains and sprains, stroke and incontinence. Our physiotherapists can also provide fibreglass casts, braces, orthotics and custom made splints. They can offer advice regarding exercise to assist in injury recovery, to improve fitness and strength and to assist in weight loss.

Visit Us

You can find us at:

59 Kurrajong Avenue

Leeton NSW 2705

We are open:

Monday – Thursday:

8am - 5pm


8am - 4pm